Waiting for the Right Person
Dating, sex, and relationships….do I have your attention? 😉
Each week during my ‘Ohana Mother and Daughter Experience Live Events, we dive into topics that are relevant to today’s teen girls. These open, honest conversations help build closer bonds between mothers and daughters and inspire this beautiful generation of young women to make positive life choices.
Today’s culture is saturated with messages about sex and dating. The media continues to normalize casual sex outside of marriage. This dangerous message has left countless numbers of young people battling STDs, unwanted pregnancies, heartache, and brokenness.
Jackie Brewton has spent the past 20 years teaching teens a different message. It starts with this: you are valuable! You have dreams, you are worthy of respect, and your future is too important to jeopardize.
I invited Jackie into our conversation to share her many years of wisdom and experience on this topic. Jackie is a powerful and motivational speaker whose message is changing lives. Author of The Truth About Sex: Real Stories from Teen Guys Like You and 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You, Jackie has been empowering teens to make positive choices since 2001.
Instead of just focusing on the potential negative consequences of sex before marriage, Jackie talks candidly about how having goals for your future and having respect for your God-given value empowers you to set physical boundaries that protect yourself and your dreams.
Check out this clip as Jackie shares part of this message with our ‘Ohana girls:
I love this quote Jackie shared with us that night:
“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want in the moment”
My amazing hubby, Adam, also joined us and we got the opportunity to share a little of our own dating story. While the Bible doesn’t specifically talk about guidelines for dating, God’s Word is quite clear about abstaining from promiscuity (Romans 13:13) and becoming one flesh only within the marriage relationship (Genesis 2:24) As followers of Christ, Adam and I both knew that waiting for physical intimacy until we were married was not only God’s plan to protect us, but also His great gift to us.
Here’s a clip of Adam and I as we shared our own thoughts on dating:
I’m encouraging all of you today that you are God’s treasured creation. He has a plan for your life that is worthy to protect.
Lot’s of Love!

P.s. Check this video for a special sneak peek into the day that Adam and I said “I do”. It was totally worth the wait!