Time For You

Written by my hubby, Adam Dirks

Tobias begging for snacks, Wesley whining to be held, Bethany and I scrambling around the kitchen preparing dinner and trying to keep up with the dishes at the same time. Just the usual evening in our house.

After the boys are asleep and we plop ourselves in bed, Bethany expresses to me that we need more time together. I tell her, “Yeah I really enjoyed making dinner together! Doesn’t that count??” Nope. Quality time together, just Bethany and I, is one of the biggest ways for her to know that I appreciate, value, and love her. It’s always a challenge but so worth it when I go out of the way to make time for her.

In God’s Word, Luke describes an account of a woman desperate for time with Jesus. Luke 8:44-45, “…she came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment… And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?” Jesus was super busy, on his way to heal a very sick child, tons of people following and surrounding him. Even with all the people bumping into him, Jesus noticed when this one woman reached out and touched him. Jesus could have easily kept going, he had important things to do! He could have just brushed off the fact that someone else had carelessly bumped into him. But Jesus, the God of the Universe, stopped. He turned around and took the time to bless that woman who was longing deeply for healing from him. Jesus stopped all that he was doing, to look her in the eye and tell her something like “your faith has healed you” and “I have time for you”.

You are not just another blip on God’s radar. You are not just another person on the street to God. There is a God that sees you as His beautiful creation and He has made so much time to spend with you.

The quality time that I spend with Bethany is so valuable. It breathes life into our relationship. Jesus continually breathes life into us. Remember the quality time He spent for you on the cross. The time we spend in His Word, He is continually speaking truth and breathing life into us. I challenge you to spend more time in God’s Word, to reach out and seek Jesus. There you will find just how much our God values and loves you.

Being unstoppable means recognizing that the God of the Universe always has time for His beloved children.


© Bethany Hamilton

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