Explore the Blog

Meet Mike Coots

Mike became a significant part of my healing journey after the loss of my arm. He was my “Hint of Hope” reminder.

Better Together

Whether it is in daily life or pursuing big dreams…we need each other! Friends help you go the distance. A support …


I can almost guarantee you that anyone you know who is successful at something only reached their goal because they …

Meet Tim Tebow

We set out to bring you experts, and individuals who are living out honorable, focused and contagious lives with …

Every Step Matters

“Showing love to those around us, while being salt and light in a chaotic world.” This is my long time surf sponsor …

True Beauty

Pretty is as pretty DOES! It is our actions, coming from our character, that make us most beautiful.

Salsa Recipe

I know it’s easy to buy Salsa and it may seem too labor intensive or intimidating to make your own, but we have a fast, …

Train Your Thoughts

The best training you will ever do is mental training. Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. Wherever your …

Our Fav Campfire Dinner

Some of Adam’s favorite memories growing up in Kansas were camping and making Campfire Dinners with his dad. The smell …

The Bomb Couch Workout

Early in April we made a joke about doing a “Couch Workout” since we are all spending so much time at home. We decided …

Peace is Possible

The promise in Philippians 4:4-7 is PEACE – something we all want and need at any time, but especially right now. I …

Dealing with Overwhelm

There are so many things that are happening right now that can make us feel overwhelmed and out of control, but there …


We all deserve forgiveness and grace, which will lead to a life that flourishes and nourishes beauty and closeness!

Meet Arielle Estoria

Arielle has a passion for reminding individuals of their value and worth and I knew she would be the perfect guest to …

Embracing Change

In this post we share the evolution of my documentary Unstoppable and encourage you to remember that life is about …

My True Identity…

I am a beloved child of God, and being anchored to this true identity has given me a strong sense of peace, purpose and …

Meet Aaron Lieber

I hope we can all live Unstoppable like Aaron and lean into the unknown, embrace change, and work hard at the things we …

Take Heart

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I …

Ashley Jones’ Story

Like Ashley, you can be Unstoppable when you refuse to limit yourself, take the grace you’ve received and show it to …

You CAN be Fearless

Practice being fearless everyday by being you, being honest, and being strong. When we practice having courage in the …

Immunity Boosting Tips

I hope you find these immunity boosting tips encouraging and empowering – let’s combat health anxiety by focusing on …

Comfort amidst COVID

Yes, it is easy to find ourselves stressing and worrying about things, there are so many voices/sources telling us, …