Make the Most of This Christmas Season!

Yayyy for Christmas season! Times for fun plans!

As we enter this season and anticipating spending time with family and friends we possibly haven’t seen in awhile because of the ruckus of 2020-2021 we will undoubtedly find ourselves with the opportunity to love, bless, encourage, enjoy, and we might even be annoyed, uncertain and face tension that has been hanging around.

I want to encourage you to show up and be present in your relationships and your gatherings. Loving others is our daily calling and can often be the best gift of all that we may share!

Loving others is our daily calling and can often be the best gift of all that we may share!

Maybe relationships have been strained this year or two and I just want to cheer y’all on to thoughtfully think about what you hope for and how you can build up the life you hope to live with the people you share it with! I like this verse…

Proverbs 14:1 The wisest of women builds her house,
but folly with her own hands tears it down.

So, this Christmas season (and life overall)….

  • We can build or we can tear down.
  • We can forgive or we can harbor anger.
  • We can give eye contact and quality time and be all in or… we can be caught up in the news, the many stresses, social media merry-go-round and more.

Either way, we get to choose. So let’s show up and be all in. And ENJOY!!!

Christmas for my family is a reminder of redemption, peace and being set free from pain we face in this life. Our faith leads us year round to embrace the good and face the many challenges.

Let’s all try to have the “all in” mentality this Christmas season. Let’s forgive, be kind, succeed, be honest, build, be happy, do good, and give our best…because that is what we are called to do.

Be well and enjoy life the best you can!

© Bethany Hamilton

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