Loved From the Start

I have memories from my childhood that I carry with me today. Memories of swimming out into the deep water with my dad to go body surfing. I remember feeling a little scared, but mostly brave because I was with my dad.

He would charge after the big waves that would come, and I wanted to charge them too, just like him. The comfort and safety I felt simply by being in the same space as him always allowed me the freedom to be exactly who I was and to try things without fear. I didn’t need to perform or present myself as strong to him because I knew he was brave for me. It was such a gift to be his daughter.

If I could find rest and comfort as a child in the deep ocean waters, can you imagine how much more comfort and worth I have as a child of God? We are sons and daughters to the Creator of the Universe! (More on this in Daughters of the Most High) 2 Corinthians 6:18 says, “And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” What an amazing promise!

We live in a world full of lies and distractions that try to tell us countless other stories about who we are, but if we find our home and identity in God we can rest assured that we are enoughA simple tip to overcome lies is to remember that your Father God is right there with you; memorize the verse below, 1 John 1:31. He longs to be strong and brave for you, giving you the freedom to rest in your identity as a child of God. What a gift!

1 John 3:1, See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

When you start to feel the worlds lies creeping into your thoughts join me in praying:

Dear Jesus, Help me step into alignment with your truth: that you are my Father and I am your beloved child. When I’m struggling and feel like life is too much or that I’m not enough, give me your Fatherly peace, comfort, and love. Jesus, allow your words “more than enough” to penetrate my heart and mind. Thank you for making me your precious, cherished, and beloved child. As I walk out my day, may I do so knowing my true heavenly value and that I am your prized creation. Amen

1 John 3:1, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”

When you’re unstoppable, you know that you are loved just as you are.


p.s. I believe humble confidence comes when you know who you are and who’s you are. To learn more about anchoring your identity dive in to my Unstoppable Year course.

© Bethany Hamilton

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