Loved First
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1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.”
I really like feeling on top of my game, pushing to be the best and my best. But I don’t need to be winning to be okay or to be worthy of God’s love. I don’t even have to strive or earn it; His love is a sure thing.

Because of Christ dying on the cross and overcoming all evil, we can rest assured that we are accepted, affirmed, and approved.
When I’m unstoppable, I live each day knowing that God chose me and that I’m loved from the start.
Pray with me:
God, Thank you for loving me as I am. Help me to be the confident woman you would have me be and to shine your love to those around me. -Amen

Take Action:
Let’s all write the word “CHOSEN” on a rock, paper, hand, ankle, or whatever may inspire you, and post it at #BUnstoppable.