Life Lessons from the Ocean – Part 4: Community
Alrighty, it’s time for part 4 of our 5 post series, “Life Lessons from the Ocean”.
If you missed the first three check them out here: Be Present…Adapt…Perseverance. For me, the ocean and surfing has been a teacher in my life, and I encourage you to “listen to your life,” (as Frederick Buechner says) and pay attention to your rhythms and routines and places of joys and challenges to see what your life is trying to teach you.
Lesson 4: Everything is more fun in COMMUNITY.
Surfing appears to be a solo sport, and at its core I suppose it is…it’s you, your board, and the ocean. Some people keep it as a solitary activity (which definitely can be renewing), but I have found that surfing is also fun in community!
Growing up I surfed with family and it was my brothers and parents who instilled and encouraged my love for the sport. Many of my fondest childhood memories revolve around surfing and time in the ocean. As I got older, surfing with friends (for fun, or training, or in competition) became my social outlet, my playground, and developed my passion. And now I have the JOY of surfing with my own family. Adam and I love surf dates (although those are harder to come by now with 3 kiddos), and we spend a lot of quality time as a family playing around on our boards, like this! I’ve had great solo sessions in the ocean, but there is no doubt that surfing is more fun in community!
Just like in surfing, life is so much better and richer when lived in community. There are times to retreat and be solo, but I think 2020 taught all of us how desperately we need each other and how much more fun life is when we live it with others. In surfing, as in life, friends and family are essential for play, accountability, encouragement, and to spur us on to be better people. We are made for relationships! As I’ve shared on the blog before, we are truly Better Together.
In surfing, as in life, friends and family are essential for play, accountability, encouragement, and to spur us on to be better people.
I think there is a lot in the world pulling us apart right now. But even when the world seems divisive, I hope we can find love and acceptance for others and recognize that we have much more that unites us than separates us.
Who are the people in your life who bring you joy and make you better? Who do you want to spend more time with? Or who could benefit by spending more time with wonderful YOU? Who could use your love and encouragement? Sometimes we need a little push to be the one to initiate or invite – so this is me encouraging you to push yourself outside your comfort zone and ask someone to “surf” with you this week 🙂
Check out Made For Wonderful Things for my thoughts on how the friends I surrounded myself with as a teen made a big impact on my life.
P.S. I launched my Unstoppable Life Program to equip you and encourage you and create a community where we can cheer each other on. I am so enjoying the interactions with my Unstoppables (as I like to call them) in our Facebook community and live Q&As. It is incredibly encouraging to hear how the course material is making a difference in people’s lives and relationships.