Let’s Talk Confidence
Today I want to talk a bit more about confidence because I think a lot of us are lacking confidence and we need that to be successful, to love others well and to just rock it in this life! Adam and I are super passionate about this!
One of my simple tips to help with this is to change how you carry yourself. Start noticing your posture and how you hold yourself as you go about your day.
Carry yourself with strength and beauty! People are more drawn to those who carry themselves confidently. I think when we carry ourselves with good posture, we are so much more inviting to others. We are less welcoming when our shoulders are slumped, our heads are down, or our backs are rounded and hunched over.
Good posture is proven to make your life more healthy, boost your endorphins, and just improve your confidence!
For example, most the time people are really nice to me, but sometimes there are just awkward moments! Sometimes I want to literally hide in a corner because I’m not feeling good about life and I’m discouraged.
I could be the most uncomfortable person in the world because of everything I’ve been through, living life with one arm and the way people treat me, but I’ve learned to stand up tall and face people and situations with confidence! Posture helps so much!
So I’m cheering you on to carry yourself with beautiful posture today! (Here’s a workout to help you do so!)
Posture up, know your worth and live confidently!!! You’ve got this!

P.S. Follow me on TikTok to hear me share more about my journey through life and to see what the boys and I are up to! 😀 And check out my Optimize Health Course if you’re looking for more ways to improve posture!