Knowing Me

In celebration of our wedding anniversary this week, my hubby, Adam, wrote this article sharing the story of his proposal to me!

How do you ask someone to marry you? Ya know it has be to be good! It’s the big question, the question that leads to one of the most momentous occasions that can occur in your lifetime!

After dating Bethany for about eight months, I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. I really wanted to make her feel special, to feel appreciated, valued, loved, and full of worth.

Long story short, I surprised her on a lunch date at one of our favorite beaches. Ring hidden under a coconut tree. I had a big speech written about our love and asked for her hand in marriage. Thankfully she said yes! We ended the day on a little boat ride, snorkel, and an amazing dinner with her family to celebrate the occasion. Her tears and joyful laughter was enough evidence to me that she felt loved and valued.

How often do we question whether we are of much value? Could someone really like me or even love me…if they really knew who I was inside and out? These questions come up in some form all the time. They can eat away at us, cause us to doubt, fear, and can ultimately affect our identity. We can try to find answers to these questions in so many ways. Seeking value through social media comments, searching for value through relationships, you name it.

All of these distractions pull away from what God has said and done for us.

All of these distractions pull away from what God has said and done for us. “For God so loved the world (you) that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. Classic verse, but so powerful. God loves you! Every amazing piece of you, all of your imperfections, knowing your good deeds and bad. He even made the most beautiful, well thought out, most perfect proposal to you. His proposal story is incredible! God’s most amazing act of love towards you happened on the cross. Because of that we can know that we have salvation, a right relationship with our father.

Thank you God for knowing me, for seeing me, and showing me that I am a child of God. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me! -Amen

Being unstoppable means we know that our heavenly father thinks very highly of us, we are appreciated, loved, and full of worth.

Written by my hubby, Adam Dirks

© Bethany Hamilton

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