How Thoughts and Influences Impact Our Confidence
Two awe-inspiring women, Demi Tebow and Jacqui Letran joined me recently at ‘Ohana’s Private Live Event to talk about confidence.
Confidence and self-worth are among today’s most needed and requested topics amongst today’s teenage girls and their mothers. Having these two beautiful and poised ladies with powerful voices join me at ‘Ohana Live on this topic was awesome.
Demi was Miss Universe in 2017 and is also known for her philanthropic work as well as being married to the popular christian voice and athlete, Tim Tebow. It was incredible to have her speak live, just to our small group of 36 mother-daughter pairs. Demi inspired us with her remarkable story and her grace and poise that is truly unmatched. Hearing how she lives with confidence, any listener couldn’t help but feel more bolstered and worthy too. Here is a short clip!
Who is surrounding you? And are they the right voices to push you in who you ultimately want to become?
Our other guest was Jacqui Letran who has written numerous books including Jump Start Your Confidence and Words of Wisdom for Teens.
She taught us so much about how our brain works and how we can rewire our thinking so we can lead more empowered lives. Here is a clip!
Jacqui went on to challenge us to work on our thought life and I want to share that challenge with you:
- Write down every negative thought you have (toward yourself) in 24 hours,
- Become aware of how often you tear yourself down,
- Speak to yourself the same way you speak to the person you love the most (encouraging, uplifting, with grace and kindness).
My message to teen girls was to find your identity – not in sports, or looks or people or money or success – or really anywhere except in God. Those aspects of life are fun and uplifting but if we put our self-worth in them, you could be in for a wild emotional ride. When we are anchored in God, who we are remains steady and constant.
Two scriptures come to mind as I think about the topic of mind renewal, especially as it relates to our “inner bully” or “inner cheerleader” and what we say to ourselves.
Romans 12:2 says,
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Philippians 4:6 says,
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Y’all… the things we allow in our minds shape our confidence and how we look at the world. I want to challenge us all to take one small, yet powerful step to take inventory of our thoughts and who we allow to speak into our lives. Don’t wait till tomorrow, do this today!
I’m truly thankful to Demi and Jacqui for their partnership in helping me uplift and edify the teenage girls and the mother’s who guide them, to more deeply know just how wildly remarkable each one of them/you are.
Much love,
How Thoughts and Influences Impact Our Confidence
Choose Wisely Who You Allow to Speak Into Your Life
Confidence Stems From The Way You Think
Demi Leigh Tebow and Jacqui Letran on Confidence and Self Worth