God is the Ultimate Overcomer

The Bible tells us in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble…”. That’s not the best news, but reality is important. Trials are coming. The verse finishes, “…but take heart! I have overcome the world.” There’s the good stuff! With Jesus we can overcome.

I really love this verse! Reflecting on this verse today has me thinking about life. As we all know, or come to discover at some point, life isn’t easy and it can often feel really hard. We are going to experience tough times. Some times are harder than others. That’s just part of life, but as Jesus has said, “take heart! I have overcome the world.” In overcoming the world Jesus destroyed sin, defeated death, and annihilated Satan.

We can put our hope, trust, and future in Jesus because He has overcome the world. He can give you the strength and peace to overcome your trials too.

Who else claims that? Is anyone else making you a better offer?

So if you’ve got troubles -perhaps you lost something, some position, someone, or maybe even yourself at times- know that God sees you and your situation. Know that you’re loved by Him. God wants to restore you from your pain in a beautiful way that only He can do.

Friends, God is the ultimate overcomer! And if you are in His family, then who are you? You and me both, we are created to be overcomers. How rad is that?!

When you’re unstoppable, you live in peace trusting in God who has already overcome this world.

© Bethany Hamilton

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