Adam and I took on dancing about a year ago. It is so romantic and it’s a blast!
He surprised me with dance classes on our 5th wedding anniversary. Now we are coming up on 6 years of marriage this month! I’m so thankful to be married to this incredible man. I love life with him and I’m daily thankful for his commitment to me.
Back to dancing. Adam surprised me completely… I broke down in tears because I was filled with such joy. I’d been wanting to take dance lesson with him and I seriously didn’t see it coming. I even started crying a few times while we were dancing together. Clearly this hobby makes me feel things! It’s romantic, healing, bonding, so much fun, and not to mention it has a ton of great health benefits.
Adam surprised me completely… I broke down in tears because I was filled with such joy.
Ok, so I do want to dig into the health benefits. Dancing is stress releasing… I mean who can think about worries and stresses when your dancing?? It fights dementia, which is so incredible. It’s great exercise, improves balance, improves feet movement and coordination, beautifies posture, boosts lovey-dove-love, helps with connectivity with your spouse, is relationship building and so much more!
Literally having Adam dance me around a room to beautiful or fun music is the most attractive, romantic and fun experience! Talk about chivalry! Right now we are learning waltz, rumba, salsa and swing; and we love them all!
Dancing has added a beautiful twist to our date nights. In marriage, as in dance, you enter into a commitment to each other, moving through life and the music as one, complimenting one another and supporting one another.
I’m so thankful for my marriage; for my partner and true best friend. We have the most fun together, challenge each other, share in our faith, share in our challenges. And now that we have two little kiddos running around, we get to be parents together, which is maybe the most amazing!
Married or single, I really can’t encourage you more strongly to dust off your dancing shoes and get moving. You might feel a bit silly or unsure, but don’t let that stop you. With time and the right attitude you’ll probably end up loving it as much as I do!
Cheers to dancing and marriage, two of the best things in life!