Advice on Motherhood from My Mom, Cheri
My mom is such an amazing woman (love you mom!). She’s been such a solid rock in my life to encourage me in my faith, cheer me on in my passions and help me become a faithful woman in my adult life. Now she’s helping me with motherhood and in my marriage! I’m just so thankful for the relationship we have.
Cheri is from Southern California and was an original surfer lady from over there. Her passion for surfing brought her to Hawaii where she met my dad and then eventually had my brothers and I!
During our first summer ‘Ohana Mother Daughter Experience Live Event last week, my mom shared some advice on motherhood. What she said was sooo helpful! Here are some of her words of wisdom:
Pray Often
“I became a Christian in 1980 and then I learned to turn my worries into prayer. Soon you start seeing a lot of answers to your prayer and then you start saying, “well, God is amazing!” I think the most incredible answer to prayer that I’ve had for Bethany in her life is the prayer for a husband.”
My mom is such a prayer warrior!
She prayed specifically for my future husband everyday for a year. She knew that I needed someone very specific – a guy who was very solid in his faith, could travel the world with me, would meet me in my athleticism (and was taller than me haha!). God was faithful and answered her prayers in such a beautiful way through my husband, Adam! I’m so thankful for my mom’s prayer in my life.
My personal thoughts on prayer are to pray God’s will, which is ultimately His truth and promises being lived out in your life! I think that prayer also builds our relationship with the Lord and builds our trust and faith in Him. No matter what happens in life, whether it’s something amazing or something way out of our plans, we can trust that we are alway in God’s hands. His strength, forgiveness and love are sufficient for us in all things.
Foster Strong Friendships
“The best thing I ever did for Bethany was take her to church to meet friends. It’s so important to have good friends when you’re growing up. It’s important to join clubs and special activities where you have time to meet people and make friends. Doing activities with church, you often form lifelong community.”
I still stay in touch with friends from church, the surf team, and other activities I was involved in as a kid. Many of them were awesome influences on me as I grew up. Community is so important!
Have Fun Together
“When she was younger, we loved to swim and snorkel. One of the funnest things we ever did was when we went on a boat tour and swam with whale sharks. Now one of the things we really love to do is play scrabble together.”
Good quality time is so important! Anytime my mom and I go two weeks without playing scrabble, I’m like, “OK we got to get back to it… life’s busy, but we still got to find time to hang!” Having fun together helps us keep our relationship healthy and close.
My mom is such a treasure trove of wisdom! I loved hearing her advice and am so happy I can share it with you.
To the moms out there, I hope this was encouraging and strengthening. I’m cheering you on to be the amazing mom that I know you are!

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